Winter semester
The five-days program of the O phase provides a great start for any sciences, including economists and socio- economics or trade teacher who begins his studies at the University of Kiel. It begins with a greeting (Norbert-Gansel-Hörsaal) and the subsequent division into the O-groups. After a first-group icebreaker the campus tour follows.
The program of the O phase varies from year to year, but the main points always take place. These include firstly the information sessions about your new courses and the professors conversations in which professors will answer your questions. The event “Everything But studying” give you information about activities in addition to the lectures. The city rally and the pub Observer are great opportunities to explore Kiel and to connect with other students. And last but not least: the Erstiparty – the first party in the first semester in Kiel!
We look forward to seeing you!
summer semester
Since the summer semester only includes new master students (Business Administration, Economics, Economics, Quantitative Economics and Quantitative Finance), the O phase is much smaller.
Check this page for further information. Also follow us on instagram!
We look forward to seeing you!
Here you'll find the schedule
03. April 2023
10am: Official welcoming VWL-Master/Master Economics
Zoom: https://uni-kiel.zoom.us/j/65064914171?pwd=Nno4WTFPUGlqTjlHVFlDY2IxMzRVQT09
10am: Official welcoming Master Environmental and Resource Economics
Zoom: https://uni-kiel.zoom.us/j/62663581903?pwd=enhrMjZWSzcyVFlNTnBjT2twcVpDUT09
4pm: Official welcoming Master Quantitative Finance
Zoom: https://uni-kiel.zoom.us/j/65493571291?pwd=eDVMRXJ1NmlDb3p5dHlyeDdhM29aUT09
6pm: Official welcoming Master Quantitative Economics
Zoom: https://uni-kiel.zoom.us/j/63838955255?pwd=N3VSdStKMFF0Smh3a1NYYkxMTnRPUT09
04. April 2023
12pm: Lunch @ Mensa 1 Westring 385
Afterwards: Campustour
05. April 2023
10am: Official welcoming Master BWL
Zoom: https://uni-kiel.zoom.us/j/65235505501
8pm: Pub night @ T-Kiela-Bar Bergstraße 28
Graduation Celebration
Graduation Celebration 2015
About 270 graduates and guests participated in the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the 12th December 2015. The ceremony took place at the foyer of the Auditorium Maximum/AudiMax.
This is a selection of 120 pictures that got shot at the ceremony. The whole variety of pictures can be seen and copied at our office during the office hours.
If you have some Problems (or complaints) you can contact us with our contact form.
Night of the Profs
Friday night- Prime time. Wine and beer are within reach- but instead of watching TV- Education and science is on program.
More exciting than “Tatort” (Crime scene) and more funny than any comedy-show. How do you delete a big container-ship? Which logistical challenges need to get accomplished to make a big harbor work? What is the impact of Asylum seeker on the economic performance of the country? Who benefits from immigration? Is Bio really what it says to be?/ Is Bio really Bio? Is it worth to spend more money for it as a consumer?
This and a lot of other questions got answered from Professors of our Faculty at the “Night of the Profs” 2015. We want to say “Thank you” to Prof. Jensen, Quaas, Raff and Maisel for the great talks/speeches.